

Swinburne University of Technology



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  • 申请要求
  • 明星校友

斯威本科技大学(Swinburne University of Technology),简称“SUT”,1908年建立于澳大利亚的文化中心、全球四大宜居城市之一的墨尔本市,是澳大利亚著名的公立综合性大学





斯威本科技大学有五个校区,墨尔本四个校区均位于墨尔本市东部治安非常好的市区。其中Prahran 和Hawthorn校区所处的位置是墨尔本最受欢迎、交通最便利和最安全的两个社区–从这里乘坐火车到市中心不会超过15分钟。此外,斯威本科技大学还在马来西亚新建了砂拉越(Sarawak)校区。




Built Environment and Architecture 建筑环境领域


○ Bachelor of Design (Architecture) 建筑设计

○ Bachelor of Design (Interior Architecture) (Honours) 室内设计


○ Diploma of Interior Design 室内设计

○ Diploma of Design (UniLink) (8 months) 设计专业

○ Diploma of Landscape Design 景观设计

○ Advanced Diploma of Building Design (Architectural)

○ Advanced Diploma of Interior Design 室内设计


Design 设计专业领域


○ Bachelor of Design - Branded Environments 品牌环境

○ Bachelor of Design 设计专业

○ Bachelor of Design (Honours)

○ Bachelor of Design/ Bachelor of Applied Innovation

○ Bachelor of Design - Communication Design 平面设计

○ Bachelor of Design - Motion Design 动态设计

○ Bachelor of Design - UX Interaction Design UX交互设计

○ Bachelor of Design/ Bachelor of Business 

○ Bachelor of Design - Photomedia 摄影媒体

○ Bachelor of Design/ Bachelor of Media and Communication

○ Bachelor of Design (Communication Design) (Honours)

○ Bachelor of Design (Industrial Design) (Honours) 工业设计


○ Diploma of Graphic Design 平面设计

○ Diploma of Visual Merchandising 商品展示设计

○ Advanced Diploma of Graphic Design

○ Diploma of Design (UniLink) (8 months)

○ Certificate IV in Design

○ Advanced Diploma of Creative Product Development 创意产品开发

○ Certificate IV in Photography and Digital Imaging 摄影与数字成像

○ Diploma of Photography and Digital Imaging

○ Diploma of Visual Arts 视觉艺术

○ Advanced Diploma of Visual Arts (Art Management)


Film and Television 电影电视领域


○ Bachelor of Animation 动画

○ Bachelor of Animation/ Bachelor of Applied Innovation 

○ Bachelor of Screen Production 影视制作

○ Bachelor of Film and Television (Honours) 电影与电视

○ Bachelor of Screen Production/ Bachelor of Applied Innovation

○ Bachelor of Games and Interactivity 游戏设计

○ Bachelor of Games and Interactivity/ Bachelor of Animation 

○ Bachelor of Games and Interactivity/ Bachelor of Computer Science

○ Bachelor of Computer Science - Artificial Intelligence 人工智能AI


○ Diploma of Screen and Media - Animation 

○ Diploma of Screen and Media - Sports Media 

○ Diploma of Screen and Media - Film and Television

○ Advanced Diploma of Screen and Media - Animation

○ Advanced Diploma of Screen and Media - Film and Television

○ Advanced Diploma of Creative Product Development

○ Certificate IV in Screen and Media

○ Certificate IV in Information Technology (Gaming Development) 游戏开发

○Diploma of Information Technology (Game Art and Design, Game Programming) 游戏艺术与设计,游戏编程


Media and Communication 传媒领域


○ Bachelor of Media and Communication - Advertising 广告

○ Bachelor of Media and Communication 大众传媒

○ Bachelor of Media and Communication/ Bachelor of Applied Innovation

○ Bachelor of Laws / Bachelor of Media and Communication

○ Bachelor of Design/ Bachelor of Media and Communication

○ Bachelor of Media and Communication/ Bachelor of Business

○ Bachelor of Media and Communication (Professional)

○ Bachelor of Health Science/ Bachelor of Media and Communication

○ Bachelor of Media and Communication - Social Media 社交媒体

○ Bachelor of Media and Communication - Public Relations 

○ Bachelor of Media and Communication - Journalism

○ Bachelor of Media and Communication - Digital Advertising Technology 数字广告技术

○ Bachelor of Media and Communication - Media Industries 

○ Bachelor of Media and Communication - Creative Writing and Literature

○ Bachelor of Media and Communication - Professional Writing and Editing

○ Bachelor of Media and Communication - Cinema and Screen Studies


○ Diploma of Arts and Communication (UniLink) (8 months)



Built Environment and Architecture 建筑环境


○ Master of Architecture 建筑设计

○ Master of Architecture and Urban Design 建筑与城市设计

○ Master of Urban Design 城市设计

○ Master of Design 设计专业

○ Master of Design (Research) 设计研究课程

○ Doctor of Philosophy - Design 设计博士课程


○ Certificate IV in Design 设计证书课程

○ Certificate III in Landscape Construction 景观建造

○ Certificate III in Parks and Gardens 公园花园设计

○ Graduate Certificate of Design 高级设计证书课程

○ Graduate Certificate of Urban Informatics 

○ Graduate Certificate of Research and Innovation Management

○ Graduate Certificate of Urban Design 城市设计


Design 设计专业领域


○ Master of Design 设计硕士

○ Master of Research - Design 设计研究课程


○ Graduate Certificate of Design 设计研究生证书课程

○ Doctor of Philosophy - Design 设计博士课程

○ Graduate Certificate of Research and Innovation Management


Media and Communication 传媒领域


○ Master of Media and Communication 大众传媒

○ Graduate Certificate of Media and Communication

本科 研究生






托福64,单项不低于13 in reading, 12 in listening, 18 in speaking, 21 in writing




certified academic documents 

a certified copy of your passport 护照复印件

English proficiency test results 英语语言成绩

certified copies of unit outlines and academic transcripts 成绩单

a portfolio (for most design courses) 作品集

English translations of all documents (if they are in languages other than English)












+ 陈述,你的专业学习

+ 意图,你为什么选择这个

+ 当然,还有为什么你应该被选中。






(9)展示您满足制作作品集的相关软件技术要求能力。如 Adobe这样的2D图形应用程序、Photoshop、Adobe Illustrator和Adobe、InDesign或多媒体软件、PowerPoint、Flash和Adobe Director(或类似)与您选择的专业领域相关学科或专业。


















(3)包括必要的执行文件,如:QuickTime、Acrobat Reader或Flash Player,等。






托福79,单项不低于13 in reading, 12 in listening, 18 in speaking 21 in writing




1. Certified copies of your previous academic results.

2. Certified English language proficiency test results (IELTS, PTE or TOEFL).

3. Letters from your school or employer.

4. If you do not meet the Year 12 design prerequisite a portfolio will need to be submitted for assessment (except for the Swinburne Foundation Year (Design)).

5. A Statement of Activity if there is a gap in study (for example, if you graduated secondary education in 2017 and are applying for one of our courses in 2019, we will require a written statement of what you have been doing in 2018).

6. If you are applying for credit, you must include course outlines and translated (English) copies (if required) from your previous or current course.


申请资料包括 Bachelor degree、成绩单、语言成绩、推荐信、作品集、活动经历等。












+ 陈述,你的专业学习

+ 意图,你为什么选择这个

+ 当然,还有为什么你应该被选中。






(9)展示您满足制作作品集的相关软件技术要求能力。如 Adobe这样的2D图形应用程序、Photoshop、Adobe Illustrator和Adobe、InDesign或多媒体软件、PowerPoint、Flash和Adobe Director(或类似)与您选择的专业领域相关学科或专业。


















(3)包括必要的执行文件,如:QuickTime、Acrobat Reader或Flash Player,等。

Kathlyn Ballard: 著名艺术家

Graeme Base: 著名儿童作家,漫画家

Mark Bolton: 澳式足球大联盟AFL著名运动员

Kathy Bowlen: ABC频道著名播音员,记者

Lara Cameron: 著名设计师

Alisa Camplin: 空中技巧运动员,曾获得2002年冬季奥运会空中技巧项目金牌

Mary Covatta: 图形设计家

Ray Crooke: 著名艺术家

Mark Korda:澳洲航空公司行政管理者

Michael Leunig: 著名漫画家

Richard Lowenstein: 著名电影导演

Sidney Nolan: 著名艺术家

Philomena Tan: 著名作家

Sarah Watt: 著名电影导演及编剧